Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Ethic In Attack Ads?

Today when we were watching those attack ads in English class, I couldn't help but think "Is this an ethical way to persuade people?" I know that Obama didn't support the video in which the Romney Plan got slammed, but using a snapshot of someone to backfire on them seems wrong. It's not that I support either Romney or Obama, but if I were running for office I wouldn't like being attacked like that. It seems unethical. And even sneaky. When that photo of Romney was taken, did he think it would be used against him like that? Either way, it just seems mean to attack people like that. I suppose that's what politics is though. Whoever can out-media someone wins.

1 comment:

  1. Something to keep in mind is the question: "who dictates what is ethical?" Because, those with power generally influence the public's conception of ethics. So we can be manipulated into thinking that something is unethical or ethical. And, while the attack ads are mean in the eyes of some they serve as sources of information and they get the job done.
