Saturday, September 8, 2012

Wild Creatures Observed Whilst Walking

Just got back from a 6 mile walk to the Coon Rapids dam with my old man. Not only was it a refreshing and beautiful day, but I got to see a ton of wild life. We were walking on the path and noticed a baby fawn, almost identical to Bambi, that was just prancing along with its momma. It was really adorable. Then on the same path just a few yards away was another doe who skipped across the path and into the brush. It was all so very close and it's sort of weird now that I think about it that I don't notice these things as much as I should. As it was my dad had to get my attention and pointed to the animals until I noticed them. Maybe it was just because I was tired. Anyway, later we crossed the 610 walking bridge and my dad nearly knocked me over because he stuck his arm out in front of me and whispered "stop." I was startled and asked him what the big deal was. He pointed his finger just five feet above us, and there we saw this magnificent hawk perched on the caged wall just gazing out across the highway. It was a beautiful bird, especially when it spread its wings, took flight and I could see its speckled bottom and brown plumage. Now if it were not for my dad, I would have been completely oblivious to all of this. I don't particularly know why. Part of me thinks it's because I was getting tired towards the end, or that I wanted to get home, or that I just don't notice things very much. I am going to try to notice things more often, even if its things as simple as a hawk five feet above your head. But seriously. Who ever looks up? I know they don't in the movies.

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean. Often while walking in the woods I look straight down, although this is to make sure I keep my footing. If anywhere, the forest is the perfect place to look up to see interesting animals. People could stand to be a bit more observant of wildlife, etc. on an everyday basis instead of being self-absorbed. Enough said!
