Monday, September 10, 2012

Yahoo! Findings

           The wonders of Yahoo! news... I just watched a video of the new DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) robotic mule created by the U.S. army and frankly, I was a little disturbed.
           Basically, the gist of the invention is that it is a mule-like robot that can carry items for soldiers and follow a troop similar to a real animal. But the robotic pack mule itself is very strange looking. It's almost like a real mule, but made of metal and headless. The creature, if one can really call it that, even walks like a actual mule!
            Anyway, my question is what do people think of this? I know people have used horses and mules in war, and I suppose this is the next step in because using real horses is a little old school now, plus the fact that they get slaughtered, but isn't this a little "out there"? I mean what's next, robotic carrier pigeons and police dogs. It's all very interesting, but I think the humanity of animals is lost. You just can't make a robot that is so animal like and yet not be real. I understand that this "mule" will serve its purpose, but what will the soldiers think who have to work with it?  Watch the video, it's as my younger sister said, disturbing. (she watched over my shoulder)



  1. Eesh. I think it is a good idea for practical purposes, but robots moving organically is more than a little unsettling. I've seen videos of ultrarealistic robotic human faces that are able to use micro-motors to replicate thousands of expressions. I don't think we'll have to worry any time soon about the line between life and robotics. Animals are animals, and maybe it's better that humans respect them as companions alone instead of as tools (or even resources?). The only mistake the DARPA people are making is referring to the project as a "mule". Even the lengthy government prototype name would have served better. Seriously, though: it had hooves! That just is kind of wrong.

  2. I think that if man kind are going to make robots that look like a mule to fallow around soldiers and carry their stuff that they should just make a big basket that can move. That way there's more space to carry things and could potentially have a fridge-like accessory to it to keep food cold. Making a robot like an animal is weird and if so they should just use the actual animal. I get that if a robot gets blown up it's not that big of a deal but it's a waste of resources to build them like an animal when more effective robot prototypes could be made.
