Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Sorry to those reading this, I'm not trying to sound like I'm ranting about my troubles, but another thing that really upsets me about this whole being sick thing was that I missed all the shows to "Hello Dolly!", the musical at our school. The musical is my absolute favorite production at CPHS and I have done it all four years and had the most amazing experiences, but this year it just got away from me. The chance to be backstage working with an amazing cast and crew, the chance to build friendships and meet new people, bringing cupcakes on opening night, going to cast parties, having my fist cast party, staying out past midnight for the first time because my parents trusted me and even lent me a car: I was going to do all those things. That show would have been so much fun and I am upset that I missed the chance to do those things and have those memories. And I am not trying to sound mean, but truthfully when my sister came to the hospital that one Saturday and was going on and on about how much fun the cast party was the night before or about a prank the techies pulled, I just felt jealous that she got to experience. I had worked really hard on that show, I was even going to dance in one of the songs, and I ended up getting sick and wound up in a hospital. Life's unfair that way. I guess I will just have to help out with the musical next year or just not get sick for the other productions. :P That would be ideal. Theatre really is my passion, and being stuck in a hospital away from it made me realize how much I missed it and yearned to be a part of it. If it had been possible, I would have escaped from the hospital, found my way to the school, and do a show. But I was too sick. It just baffles me that I missed every single show! Come one! :P I can't complain though, I am alive and getting better. Stuff happens, and it's how we deal with it that changes us. Being sick is also impeding on my One Acts exposure. Not to happy about that, probably cannot get involved till January. Oh and did you hear? My play that I wrote last year got picked, it's one of four. Hooray for that! :)

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