Friday, November 23, 2012

Wish I Could Really Sleep

Sleep. I did a lot of sleeping in the hospital the past two weeks, and it was all interrupted and not very good quality. I would be sleeping in my bed and someone would strap on the blood pressure cuff and measure me. Or I would be beginning to wake up and a nurse would be pulling blood from my PICC line for Labs to find out my white blood cell count, my hemoglobin, and my vitals. I am really enjoying sleeping in a real bed in my house, with now prodding nurses, and no machines beeping continuously throughout the night. Being able to sleep for 8 hours at a time sounds like heaven, and I still cannot do that at home yet. I cannot wait to kick this infection in the but and be a normal person. As the film "The Princess Bride" quoted "If you haven't got your health, then you haven't got anything" which I have found to be very true. It's hard to be happy and enjoy things when you're super sick. I watched this movie in the hospital, ultimate sick day movie, and people were passing by in the hall and looking in at the movie and smiling. It's such a universally known film. 

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