Wednesday, October 24, 2012

GMOs: Good or Bad?

My EE topic is controversial and I have been debating over it with my best friend and my mom. They are both against me, but I still feel like a can support myself in my paper. Anyway, I wanted to present the issue to the class, see what others think. My question is "Do we need genetically engineered foods?" Now even though we could live in a world without them, though it's tricky because they're everywhere, I believe we should not because GMOs, genetically modified organisms, can open the doors to many possibilities and that to snuff out this potential technology would be a waste. Now some of you might not even know this about your foods, but yes some of them have been altered. But in my mind this is just an extension of selective breeding, sort of like Mendel did with his pea plants, it's just more modern and precise. And I am aware that the process isn't perfect, but I'd like to believe science could do wonders such as food the world and provide blind kids in China with beta-carotene, a necessary nutrient that can be put into rice. Just thought I would put that out there.  Everyone is free to their opinion, how do others feel?

1 comment:

  1. I think we should continue to support GMO products, but they should be clearly labeled as such. I am aware this might prove to be a nightmare for marketers, considering the negative stigma against GMOs already. You have read about, I assume, the Monsanto corporation and the infamous fish-tomato. These kinds of things are a bit extreme, I'll admit, and I think that there are more conservative places to start, like beta-carotene from carrots in rice.
    BTW, beta-carotene would not cure blindness, but it would improve eye health.
