Sunday, October 14, 2012

Medium Conundrum: Again

Okay, so yet again I was watching “Medium” and found an issue to write about. In this particular episode the pyschic has a dream that a plane it going to crash, but then it doesn't because the pilot has the skill to know to turn the plane off and then back on really fast to save everyone. That might not be possible in life, but this is fictional. Anyway, this pilot who will someday in the futur save this plane loses his wife, she's murdered. And through the course of the show you find out it was him. Now then, this is where it gets tricky. The psychic has the same dream, different pilot because the other one is in jail, and the plane crashes, everyone dies. So is it it alright to let a criminal escape because he is supposed to do great things, or put them in jail where they belong for their crime? It was quite the conundrum. I was trying to think about how I would react, and I think would have let him go and then put him in jail years down the road after he had done his destined duty. Course that's bending the law, and is that okay in some situtations? And yes I understand that the crash could very well never happen, it's just a dream. Still one can only ask what if?

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