Sunday, October 14, 2012

What will being old be like? :P

The other day my dad made a remark about old people that got me thinking about them differently. He used to play the piano at St. Therese's for the elderly folk and said that every time he did, he would look out across the see of wrinkly faces and short-term memories and think about how these people used to be young and attractive. The women used to be “dishes” as he said, not joking. This reminded me of “Young @ Heart” because old people really are just that. You just have to look past the wrinkles, the dull stare, and the white hair. This also got me thinking what it will be like to be old, wise, and have people look at you like you're a dinasour. It will be interesting, I will make sure. But there is a heck of a lot between now and then. Any body else think about what they are going to be like as cranky old people or is that just me? Probably just me because I'm weird...

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