Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Seniors Stressed?

So I have been asking my friends if they are stressed or not with senior year and college coming and so on. Some of my friends are wound up tighter than a knot because they are so stressed with IB and jobs and homework. Then there are my friends who feel like me: chill and ready to let things happen in their due time. Is this weird or normal? Are any of you super stressed out right now and wanna comment about it?

1 comment:

  1. I find myself a moderate in these situations: although i do have times that are very stressful, especially because of how much i do (like orch, music theory combo, work, cross country running, tutoring, homework, planning wake up call, trying to keep up with my friends, hangin with my boyfriend) it gets to be overwhelming, especially when my homework takes hours to do (esp on nights when we have history outlines) not to mention the paper in history, tok, and english. I do think that by wanting to do all these things. I don't know what you're all doing, but i find myself short on time a lot. And when i get behind on homework, then i worry just that much more. I do tend to be fine with being rather isolated though because i got used to it last year, and manage my time fairly well. But i do look forward to holidays so i can catch up on sleep because working on weekends is really takin a toll on me.
